Sunday, August 28, 2011

Last Word from the States

This is truly my last word this side of the ocean. Irene cancelled one flight, but now I'm being routed through Amsterdam. My family is about to leave in only a few minutes, and all I feel at the moment is excitement:) I've wanted to go to Europe for years, and I'll not only get to see England, but a have a momentary touchdown in Holland. It's small, but I'll take it. Goodbyes are not fun, but I want to make sure to give a shout-out to my friends from Wally World whom I'll dearly miss:

Kelsey and Fe, I love you both. Sorry I didn't get to see you (Fe) before I left. Thanks BJ for all the great dinners at your apartment. It's been great becoming better friends with you this summer, Kelly. And Jesse, I love you dearly. Have a blast in Argentina for you, and I look forward to your letters.

I also want to send my love to Mr. and Mrs. Radelfinger. And Kirsten, Amanda, I'll see you both at Christmas:)

Well, this is it folks. I'm headed to the Pasco airport. Wish me luck.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ready or Not...?

From my Dad's Facebook page:
"Hoping to fly out of Boston on Sunday evening, but it seems that Irene may have something else to say about that!"

As it is, Hurricane Irene did manage to ensure that our connecting flight from Salt Lake to Boston was cancelled. It's "back to the drawing board" as they say. And what was supposed to be my last post form the United States is instead an unsure blip about travel schedules. But on the up side, I have more time to finish packing, and will be around over the weekend (at least until Sunday afternoon).

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Packing Up

Hey friends! It's 1:26am on a Thursday morning, and I've just finished what I like to call "pre-packing." Pre-packing is the process of assembling toiletries, and other non-clothing items in preparation for leaving. I've got all my books, in one place, I've packed the zip-off backpack portion of my suitcase, and I'm ready to start putting the clothes in the larger part as soon as my jackets and pant are finished being altered. (PS: I know a great place that does alterations for very affordable prices. Facebook me to find out more.)

This coming I will leave for a semester at the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) at Oxford in England. I am taking this semester as part of the Honors program at Walla Walla University, and I am very excited. But the scariest part is not diving into the world of British academics, or even the potential culture shock, but the knowledge I will be separated from some of the people I care about the most for at least three and a half months.

It's only just starting to come home that on Saturday evening I will be leaving for Pasco. My parents, who are coming with me to the UK for a few days, decided it would make the most sense to overnight in Pasco so we would only have a short drive (and free parking) on Sunday morning. I'm saying all my pertinent goodbyes, spending time with friends, and trying to stay on-target with my own packing-schedule at the same time. My boyfriend, my best friends, and my family will all only be an e-mail away, but I don't think an e-mail will ever seem so far. These are my thoughts as I pack my things.