Thursday, August 25, 2011

Packing Up

Hey friends! It's 1:26am on a Thursday morning, and I've just finished what I like to call "pre-packing." Pre-packing is the process of assembling toiletries, and other non-clothing items in preparation for leaving. I've got all my books, in one place, I've packed the zip-off backpack portion of my suitcase, and I'm ready to start putting the clothes in the larger part as soon as my jackets and pant are finished being altered. (PS: I know a great place that does alterations for very affordable prices. Facebook me to find out more.)

This coming I will leave for a semester at the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) at Oxford in England. I am taking this semester as part of the Honors program at Walla Walla University, and I am very excited. But the scariest part is not diving into the world of British academics, or even the potential culture shock, but the knowledge I will be separated from some of the people I care about the most for at least three and a half months.

It's only just starting to come home that on Saturday evening I will be leaving for Pasco. My parents, who are coming with me to the UK for a few days, decided it would make the most sense to overnight in Pasco so we would only have a short drive (and free parking) on Sunday morning. I'm saying all my pertinent goodbyes, spending time with friends, and trying to stay on-target with my own packing-schedule at the same time. My boyfriend, my best friends, and my family will all only be an e-mail away, but I don't think an e-mail will ever seem so far. These are my thoughts as I pack my things.

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