It's about 12:20am here, or, as the time on my cell phone says: 0:20. It'll start again at 1am and count up to twenty-four. But it's not the military time that intrigues me about the digits on my cell phone. It's the face that in ten minutes, when the numbers read 0:30 I'll be leaving St. Michael's hall to catch a bus to the airport. It's a free weekend, and I'm off to Dublin.
CMRS doesn't organize trips for us unless they're educational. Still, it was a lot of fun to travel to Gloucester, Wells, and Berkeley Cathedrals (and the castles, and the abbeys...). But traveling to Europe also offers the opprotunity for relatively cheap travel between foreign countries. Over the next couple weeks there will be groups of CMRS students traveling to Munich (for Oktoberfest), Barcelona, Edinborough, and Dublin.
My group, the Dublin group (as organized by a sharp girl named Sarah I met here), is leaving tonight. We've booked tickets on a Ryanair flight, will be staying in a hostel for two nights (given a rating in the upper 80s by, and taking a bus tour around Ireland. I'm very excited, as I've only been out of the country a couple of times, and this trip represents my second foray into the world of European travel in a month.
I won't be packing my laptop (space and what...) so I'll have to update you later on how it all went. All I can say for now is that I feel nearly giddy with nervous excitement at the prospect of traveling (without parents) to a part o the world I've never seen.
Well, that about does it. Wish me luck:)
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