Thursday, September 1, 2011

Comedy of Errors...My REAL Final Stateside Post

For those of you who saw me around town and wondered why I was still in the US, natural disasters do not bring out the best in corporations. Suffice it to say, I was bumped from my flight. But a new one leaves in six hours. This is my REAL final stateside post. And I am stoked!

I've never been to Europe. In fact, the only foreign countries I've ever been to are Trinidad and Tobago, and Canada. Somehow I feel as though Canada doesn't count. I mean, sure it's a separate country, but it's only a 16 hour drive away. That's like living in southern Washington and bragging about traveling out of state. Furthermore, Canadians speak the same language and celebrate their Canada Day a scant three days before ours. Considering it is the anniversary of a date that takes 91 days after our Independence Day, I think there is a major possibility of copyright infringement...

All this aside...I'm packed, repacked actually, with more clothes than I probably need and fewer stuff than I want (I still haven't mastered the art of light packing). I'm ready to go. But the false start puts a tension on the whole event. I can't help but wondering if something is going to happen. With Hurricane Irene/Delta altering my travel plans twice now, I'm a little worried that the third time's not a charm, but a mere a repetition of the first and second.

Still, it's 3am and I have a flight to catch in only a few hours. So...Goodbyes take 2:

Felicia and Kelsey, I'll miss you both. Don't forget to Facebook me:)
I'll miss you, Mr. and Mrs. Radelfinger (Thanks again for the beautiful quilt), and Johanna and Ezra, I'll be over as soon as I get back to see if Timothy is indeed walking.
Good luck Kelly and Becca. You've got a lot of hurdles to clear but you both have it in you. I'll be praying for you.
It was good to hear from you Rachel. See you winter quarter!
Kirsten, Amanda, I'll see you at Christmas:)
And finally, I love you Jess.
Adios amigos.

For real this time:)

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